Local Review: Pink Penguin Frozen Yogurt

After dinner last week, we decided to take the kids to Pink Penguin Frozen Yogurt and check out the goods: and the goods were good.

Pink Penguin rocks your socks off. Where else can you dish up all the frozen yogurt, Gummi Bears, crushed Andes mints, sprinkles, marshmallows, chocolate chips & M&M's you can eat and not be judged? I can't believe we have lasted so long without this place.

You too can create concoctions like this:
By choosing your favorite yogurt flavor here:
And then piling on the yumminess here:
And if you don't eat all your Gummi Bears because they freeze solid and you didn't know that, this nice man and sweet little girl will be there to help you (maybe):
Pink Penguin Frozen Yogurt is located at 409 West Front Street, #240 and their phone number is 846-1441 - go eat and eat and eat.*

*WhatHappensInHutto & Pink Penguin can not be held responsible for severe cases of brain freeze and/or the sudden need to eat mass quantities of licorice, maraschino cherries, and shredded coconut at any given time.


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